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Fire Extinguishers in Commercial Vehicles

February 18, 2021

Fire Extinguishers in Commercial Vehicles

Worksite 1 - Fire protection In Rockhampton, QLD

What size fire extinguisher should you have in your commercial vehicle? 

This is a commonly asked question, and the answer is very easy to find, when you know where to look. 


Australian Standard 2444-2001 – Section 5 

Selection and Distribution of Portable Fire Extinguishers in vehicles and small craft. 

5.4 Selection Factors 


Paragraph two states the following:

“For commercial vehicles, considerations shall be given to the type of vehicle, the cargo being carried and the requirements of the regulatory authority. Every fire extinguisher for use in a commercial vehicle shall be of a type fitted with a hose to assist in gaining access to awkward locations.” 

Table 5.1 of the Australian Standards says that passenger-carrying vehicles should have an extinguisher fitted that has a minimum rating and classification of 2A:20B (fitted with hose) 


Make sure you consider the risk you are covering when selecting a fire extinguisher for your vehicle so that you comply with the Standard and also have the right equipment to do the job.

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